Virtual Doula Support
Virtual labor support is great for families that want assistance preparing for their desired birth but may not have many doula options in their area or are unable to/don't desire to have a doula in the birth space during labor and delivery.
Free virtual interview
Prenatal virtual “visits” with mom and birth partner to provide evidence based education (birth choices, childbirth, terminology, rights & self-advocacy), creating a birth plan, 'day of delivery' prep, infant feeding, and postpartum recovery planning.
Advice on preparing for birth based on birth plan.
Assistance with finding local resources.
Phone and email support throughout pregnancy to answer any questions you may have.
Initial bi-weekly check-ins and then weekly check-ins during the last weeks of pregnancy.
Phone (and virtual, if desired) support during labor to assist with pain management, birth options, transferring to birth center or hospital (if applicable), and self-advocacy.
Virtual postpartum “visits” that focus on mom & baby check-ins, establishing a healthy breastfeeding/bottle-feeding relationship, recovery, and recapping the birth experience.
Payment plans are available for virtual doula support!
Other Services
Birth Planning Session
75 minute session to discuss your birth plan and assist with finalizing details. Home birth or hospital bag checklist will be provided. Any other questions and concerns regarding pregnancy and childbirth will be addressed.
Unassisted/free birthers are supported and highly encouraged to schedule!
Day of Delivery Prep
3 hour virtual session to prepare you for the big day, as well as teaching comfort measures for labor. A brief childbirth education overview will kick off this session to be sure you are knowledgeable.
*Birth support team HIGHLY encouraged to attend (including family/friends that may not be present at the birth but supporting).
Maternity Support
Perfect for expecting families that want to be educated, prepared, & ready before baby's arrival. Customize 3 support sessions according to your needs:
-prenatal support (education, birth planning, & guidance)
-breastfeeding/bottle-feeding support (education, preparation, & planning)
-postpartum support (recovery preparation & planning)
Labor Doulas are an investment and extremely beneficial to add to a birth team!
. Studies have shown that births have
25% shorter labors
60% reduction in epidural requests
50% reduction in c-section rates
40% reduction in artificial oxytocin use
40% reduction in forceps delivery
30% reduction in pain medicine use
...with a labor doula!!