As much as I LOVE breastfeeding, educating families and other birth workers, supporting moms in their respective journeys, the raw truth about breastfeeding is...

I've personally dealt with
being touched out (see next point)
three babies in four years, all with different needs and personalities (see next point)
nursing while pregnant
nursing aversion
severe engorgement
cracked nipples
incorrect latch
separation from my babies while working
pumping, parts, bottles, schedules, leaving milk at the office #lawdt
high lipase
bottle refusal
being interrupted every time I was about to do something
pure exhaustion (see all of the above)
But really, I wouldn't trade the ability and opportunity to breastfeed my babies for anything else!
We created bonds that no one can replicate.
My body made perfect milk for my tiny humans.
I protected my babies from sicknesses.
I healed them when they needed it.
I learned to slow down.
I saved a bunch of money.
I normalized breastfeeding in my family.
I wrote all this to say, stick with it sis! The benefits far outweigh the challenges. You'll look back and see a completely different woman. You'll know how to support another woman going through the breastfeeding blues and be able to encourage her. I'm a believer that the things we go through are ultimately to help someone keep that same energy! Be gentle with yourself but don't let up. You got this!